Customers expect varied services and facilities when they open an account at a bank. It goes without saying that the same kind of services or account type will not suffice everyone. If you want a personal checking account but don’t want any monthly fee or minimums with regards to balance, you can consider an express checking account. In this post, we are discussing further on the basics about express personal checking account.
Knowing the need for express checking account
In simple words, this is a kind of express checking account that offers basic services, but doesn’t require the account holder to pay additional fees or maintaining a minimum balance in the account. If you are someone who doesn’t visit the bank time and again, or write frequent checks, express checking account could be for you. The express checking account can be accessed easily on the phone on through an ATM.
Why use an express checking account?
Many banks in New Mexico and other regions do offer express checking accounts, and there are several benefits that are almost similar to that of a traditional account. As mentioned earlier, you don’t have to pay a monthly fee to use the account, and there is no need to keep a balance, as with other checking accounts. However, you will not get any dividends or the choice of free checking either. Nevertheless, there are several advantages that cannot be ignored. For example, you can have an express checking account for $0 and other features like overdraft protection, free ATM transactions, free banking online via web and mobile, free paperless e-statements, and payment of electronic bills.
Opening an express checking account
Banks will ask for a few details before opening an express checking account for you, and you have to check if this is the best kind of saving account for you. Check if the bank will also offer access to some of the other services, including auto loans and mortgage. Many banks will also offer other facilities for those holding express checking account, such as investment retirement accounts. If you select the right service and bank, using an express checking account might be the best way to manage and save your money. Just read the offer documents carefully and don’t forget to check other options.
Representatives and sales people at the bank may offer more information on express checking account and related aspects that matter.